Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Only 4 weeks to go!

Last week my focus was on bumping up the miles yet getting more rest since I am inching ever so closely to Boston. Despite daylight savings kicking my butt a little, I think it was a great success. I have to say it was nice bypassing 4:30 am a couple of days and running in the afternoon 60 degree weather and sun! Of course, this is Wisconsin though, so it was a bit disheartening to wake up to a fresh blanket of snow on Saturday morning! Ack. It has been windy lately too. Which is typical for this time of year. Boy do I hope it's not windy at Boston!

M: rest/ abs / core

T: 7.5 (9:05) - tired, but felt nice and strong

W: 12 (9:10) - booked out of work early to enjoy 60 degree temps. Decided to skip intervals given bump in midweek mileage and 30 degree temp increase. Awesome run / core

R: 5 recovery (9:52) - evening run on the trail with my hubby (=awesome) / arms / core

Sa: CPR training for 5.5 hours; then easy run of 7.4 miles (9:18)

Su: 21 hilly, windy miles (9:24) - very even splits; took it nice and easy; felt very good.

Total: 60 and change

Tonight my Girls on the Run program starts! I am so excited!!


Maria said...

Great job Mindi!!! I do hope we can get together when in Boston too. When do you plan to hit the expo? I'll email you

Mindi said...

Definitely e-mail me - I'd LOVE to connect in Boston!

Runnin-From-The-Law said...

I'm so excited for you! Sounds like things are shaping up nicely. Is the family excited about the trip?