Sunday, November 8, 2009

Quick Rant

1. My race yesterday sucked.

2. I am wicked sore today.

3. After working all day, I came home to my 6 year old, who was having a fit. He still is 1.5 hours later.

4. My husband accidentally washed my iPod.


Runnin-From-The-Law said...

Sounds like you need a beer!

KP said...

or 5.

mainers said...

sorry Mindi but I had to chuckle about the ipod!

Mindi said...

Ha. Mainers, that is the worst part!!! Although I think it may be drying out. It is charging now. Fingers crossed!!!

Greg said...

I'll take a race over an MRI. And I only wish I lost an iPod last weekend!

BTW, I washed *and* dried (in the drier) my phone and it came back to life. I'd be careful about charging it until you're sure it's completely dry.