Sunday, May 10, 2009

Finally back at it (well, sort of)

So I am still in slacker mode and am not really following any schedule, despite my best efforts to do so. BUT, I did log my first "long" run since the Illinois marathon today. I am hoping next week is a bit more structured.

M: rest

T: 7 (9:05)

W: rest

R: 4.5 (8:58) - it was warm (80s and kind of icky since I did it after having 2 pints with my husband to celebrate his trial win!)

F: 6.5 (9:13) - hoped to get in a 10-12 miler but it was HOT and my HR was through the roof so I stopped at 6.5

Sa: 7.33 (8:49) - PERFECT running weather (50s and a little windy)

Su: 13.15 (9:14) - difficult run as I felt a bit crappy after too much wine and dancing at the American Heart Association Heart Ball, but I did log the time on my feet. It was awesome weather - 60 degrees although the wind was a bit heavy on the way back.

Total: 38 and change

On a strange note, my L ball of my foot has been sore the last 2 days. Not sure why as this has never happened before. Tomorrow is a rest day so hopefully I will see some improvement.

So far, Mother's Day has been a real treat. The boys let me sleep in and then served me breakfast and lots of hand made, fabulous gifts. I am so very blessed to be a mom and to have my husband and 2 boys! :)


Runnin-From-The-Law said...

Nice long run, considering the festivities the night before.

Very fun picture with the boys! Happy Mother's Day!

Greg said...

Happy Mother's Day!