Friday, January 16, 2009

Toasty warm sun, reggae and boat drinks

Are what I am dreaming of. Nothing more. Nothing less.

The kids did not have school the last 2 days because it has been so ridiculously cold. This morning after my run I looked at the temp gauge in my kitchen and the real temp was -20. With wind chills it was supposedly around -35 to -45. That just isn't right no matter how you look at it. A bit surreal actually if you want to know the truth. Thank goodness I have the most amazing babysitter on the planet and she watched the boys full time both days! I really miss the ability to take snow days, or cold days, er whatever. The boys had fun and I really missed it.

My knee has been really hurting lately thanks to the big drop in pressure and the extreme cold. Tuesday was a killer. It didn't help that I decided to wear boots with 3.5 inch heels on the very day the temps dropped like mad. Every day since I have felt little pains here and there that are enough for me to take brief notice, but so far haven't culminated into anything more than a moment of worrry, if you will. So far (knock on wood) it has not come to being during my runs. Usually only going down the stairs or abrupt movements. Fingers are crossed that when the temps rise tomorrow, the knee thing will disappear too. I am paying attention though. And the boots are now banned unless it is at least 28 degrees.

This morning I was scheduled for 11 on the hampster wheel (as Kel would say) and 4:50 am came WAY too early. I am for the most part used to getting up that early by now, but by Friday, 5:00 am still just hurts. It didn't help that the school district called the last 2 mornings at 4:30 am to announce school was closed..... thank you very much....

But back to today's run. I logged the first 20 minutes at a 9:22 pace. My HR was between 138 and 144 the whole time. Not great, but an improvement. I then bumped it up to 9:13 for 20 minutes and it went 142 - 148. At the half way point I finally was at 8:57/150 and then I just gradually bumped up. Amazingly, as I went from 8:57 to 8:30ish, my HR hardly changed! It was staying surprising low (mostly 154ish, but fluxuating in 152-162), which was very welcome. Hey, maybe I am getting back into the groove after all! By mile 10, I was at an 8:20 pace (which as I looked at it was a big jump 168-170 HR) so I decided to bump it so I could have at least .3 at MP. Not a long way, but it felt great and I actually finished the run with a "runner's high" on the treadmill! CrAzY.

I am a bit apprehensive because the likelihood of me having to run 18 miles on the treadmill this weekend is very real. Yikes. I really hope those 20 degree temps and some sunshine will clear the roads just a wee little bit so I can get outside. For now, all is still a complete mess. I like my spikes, but I don't trust them over 8-10 miles to not wreak havoc on the joints.

Yesterday I was interviewed with a local magazine re how to balance working with marathoning. It was so much fun! I will keep you posted on how the article turns out. It will be published in April.

Life is also a bit rocky on the home front this week. I have an extended family member going through some excruciating times (this time a new person/new issue). Subsequently, many others are suffering. I am very very very worried and likewise feel very very very helpless. I am the lawyer in the family so please fix it. But that is not how it works in these circumstances. I care and I am trying the best I can. That is all I can continue to do. Give a crap and keep on keepin' on. Fingers. toes. all crossed. Prayers, wishes, everything.

On an "up" note, I just met my friend's 2 week old baby the other day. I got to hold her and snuggle her for 15 minutes at work. The baby warmth, gurgles and beaming looks of proud and doting parents were priceless. It was so wonderful to share.

I also finally turned in our "thank you" points that were about to expire and got a fancy new digital SLR camera. I am excited to get back to it as I used to be quite proficient in the photography area, but have slacked since getting a crap camera after my last one broke. Just what I need, another hobby! :) It is fun though. This pic is of the top of the WI state capitol - view from my office. Click on it for some cool detail.

Enough rambling from me. I am going to pour a glass of wine, put on an extra pair of slippers and pretend I am sipping a pina colada in, well, anywhere it is above 32 degrees.


Runnin-From-The-Law said...

That is crazy cold. My husband pointed out today that we are at 50degrees BELOW freezing! Nuts!

I jealous of your pace at that HR. (See my blog for my slow details!)

Hope the knee thing is just temporary and doesn't turn into an issue.

Warm weather vibes heading your way for your 18 this weekend!

Quinto Sol said...

I am so glad I live in So. Cal... :-)

Take care of that knee... RICE??? Maybe?