Saturday, January 31, 2009

Exhaustion Has Set In

By Wednesday afternoon of this week, the reality of working long hours, travelling across the country, running lots of miles with quality workouts and having a mild head cold set in. And it set in hard. By about 3:00 pm at work each day I was just spent. And last night, I couldn't keep my eyes open any later than 9:20 pm. I did not get out of bed this morning until 8:40 am and I still felt like I was dragging.

I hit the road to do my long run today fully knowing I may have to cut it to 6 and do my 20 miler tomorrow. Indeed, that is what ended up happening. I felt ok, but my HR was high and I was slow. I decided to get more rest/nutrition today and have a better chance for a good long run tomorrow.

It was funny though because as I was running, I was thinking about Fall 2007 when I did the Pfitz 18/70 program. At that time I was getting 8-9 hours of sleep a night and I was still so tired from training that I would frequently take a cat nap in the afternoon if I could sneak it in. Fast forward to now. I am running a modified 18/60ish, getting 6-6.5 hours of sleep a night with absolutely zero chance of getting in a cat nap. So, yes, I guess my recent fatigue makes perfect sense. So I need to try to make some adjustments so I can get some adequate rest. Not sure exactly how, but it is in the plan. :)

I am also at that middle point during my training where the blahs are starting to set in just a little bit. The good news is that even though I have only lost a couple of pounds, my clothes are starting to hang off me. That keeps me motivated! I am really looking forward to racing soon though. There aren't many in the early months of the year, but I really do look forward to getting back out there. I haven't run a race in MONTHS.

Oh yes, and as we close the books on January, I am pleased to see that I have logged just over 215 miles this month.

1 comment:

Runnin-From-The-Law said...

Smart choice to cut it off at 6 and rest up and try again tomorrow. It IS exhausting to train, work full time, and have family time too. I'm looking ahead to my training plan and work schedule and trying to figure out ways to juggle everything and get more sleep too. Haven't quite figured it out yet! Let me know if you come up with any great ideas.