Wow. It hardly seems like time for New Year's resolutions as this year has FLOWN by. But I will give it a shot as well as recap my highlights of 2008.
January I went back to work after 6 years off to be a stay at home mom. I was MORE than ready. I loved being a lawyer, and I am so happy to be back. Being a mom (not to mention stay-at-home) is the hardest job out there, in my opinion. Trust me. I can take lawyers, clients, judges, whoever, trying me, questioning me, yelling at me, whatever. When it is your kids crying, having a fit, being sad, having a bad day, it is personal. And the 24/7/52 doesn't leave much room for down time. As the magnet on my fridge says, "you can't scare me, I have kids."
It was hard on the boys - especially my 4 year old. However, I watched him blossom this year from a momma's boy to a little social butterfly. Part age, part our situation. I was so proud of him.
During the same month. my dear friend Jody lost her baby at 9 months (1 week before due date) due to a "cord accident." She is still healing after breaking into a hundred pieces. She and her husband are in my thoughts constantly.
I ran the Madison Marathon in May and loved it. Not my best time by any stretch, but I think of it every day as I drive over the overpass we ran under by East Wash. It was a great experience that fostered my attitude that I could do whatever I really set my mind too.
My beloved Grandma died, ironically, on my birthday. I miss her. But her death, funeral, etc. really brought my family together and I appreciated my extended family more this year than I have in a lifetime.
My mother and father in law split after 40 years together. My mother-in-law has battled colon cancer, breast cancer and rheumatoid arthitis for the last 5 years. He moved on with another woman. Very sad. Very human, so I hear. It has been a heart breaker and has deeply affected my family. I love them both, but it is all very sad.
I celebrated 9 years of marriage with my best friend.
I reconnected with lots of old friends and family members via Facebook. Who would've thunk it?
I have watched the economy tank, feared for my job and my husband's and those of my friends and families.
I celebrated my 10th year of running, 3rd year of "racing."
I conquered the treadmill. D@mmit.
I also have a million "little moments" that have made up my year that are inexplicable. Nice comments, fun laughs, irreplaceble children's comments, etc. And I cherish them.
For 2009, my resolutions are:
1. Continue to enjoy the good stuff.
2. Continue to kiss my kids and husband everyday and tell them I love them.
3. Work (and think about work) less - at least as is possible for keeping job security!
4. PR in preferably the marathon, maybe also the mile.
5. Lose 5-10 lbs.
6. Enjoy my sister's first marathon with her.
7. Beat Mainers in scrabble.
One more request:
I have a colleague (ok, senior partner) that has continuously told me marathoning is bad for me. yeah yeah. But Today, he was shocked when I told him I was running a 5 mile race on Thursday because it could be 20 degrees and that HAS to be dangerous. I told him he is crazy, but he didn't buy it, Facts: he is a recreational runner and runs 3-4 times/week on the treadmill, is in good shape, so it is not as easy to blow out of the ballpark as the 200 lb sedentary lady that says this; and he is burgeoning racer - moving up in distance too. BUT Someone give me some comebacks for 2009 please.
Why on earth would running 5 mi in 20F temps be dangerous? Are you running naked (put on layers and a hat)? Is there ice (wear some screw shoes or yaktrax)? Do you have asthma (wear a layer over your face to warm the air up a little)? He sounds like a wimp to me.
I was xc skiing yesterday at lunch during a snow event. It was super windy and about 15F. My eyebrows got a little frosty, but the corpus is intact.
Link him to my blog and let him see the crazy sh*t I run in. -25 windchill today and I'm alive and well.
You have had quite a year! I liked your recap and your 2009 resolutions.
Happy New Year!
Mindi, nice post, Happy New Year!
Your Senior Partner friend is full of sh*t!!
and re resolution 7, good luck, I accept the challenge!
That's quite a year, Mindi. Thanks for sharing.
On the comebacks, I'd say that I don't think racing is dangerous and certainly it's ludicrous to think one 5-mile race is in and of itself dangerous. That said, I do believe that 45 minutes of aerobic exercise 5-7 days a week plus weight training is probably optimal. It's just not fun! The comeback, I think, is that racing is what motivates you to exercise, which of course is better than not exercising.
Happy New Year!
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