Thursday, December 18, 2008

Facts 'O the Day

1. There is no where to spit when running on the treadmill.

2. I ran 10 on it this morning, which is a distance PR for me on the mill.

3. It was a good progression run.

4. A blizzard is coming this way tonight.

5. It is my 9th wedding anniversary today.

6. It is Joe+'s anniversary today too!


Quinto Sol said...

Happy anniversary!

Kel said...

Happy Anniversary!

Ten miles is my record on the hamster wheel too :(

Greg said...

Happy Anniversary! (Cute picture.)

Runnin-From-The-Law said...

Congrats on 9 years and 10 miles on the TM! Both quite the accomplishment!

mainers said...

the ten miles was definitely more of an accomplishment. glad you are overcoming your hatred of the mill. maybe I would be able to if I stuck at it- although to be fair living in Charlotte I don't need to!