Thursday, September 11, 2008

There is no crying in marathoning

Yeah, so I had my pity party and now I am done. Run or do not run, but there is no whining in running or it is no fun. Okay, and I will admit it is ridiculously annoying - sorry!

My schedule is challenging and getting the workouts in is tough. But, it is who I am and I love it so I will give it what I can. If I bag Columbus after 12.5 weeks of training, well, that just isn't going to happen lest I am in a wheel chair. Time to bury the bad attitude and regroup.

Unfortunately, running against those efforts (pun intended) is a persistently sore hip. I am on day 5 now. I bagged my speed work and just ran 9 easy this morning. It doesn't affect my gait or worsen when running, but I feel it. And post run it is sore - particularly after I get up from my desk after sitting for 4 hours. I have had this before though and think it is purely muscular. Hopefully it will not set me back too much.

So with all of that said, I have NO idea what my goal is for Columbus. Have fun - check. Run hard - check. Run smart - check! But, that leaves me in a range b/w 3:28ish to 3:35ish. Not sure. Hopefully I can hit a tune-up race one of these weekends!

A local running friend sent a link to our latest upcoming race - Race Judicata! It is put on by the law school and apparently very scantily participated in. Last year, my friend was clearly an outcast (i.e. a runner rather than a law student). So this year, he challenged several local runners to "fit in" - we get extra points (i.e. seconds off our time) for looking "non-runnerish" to fit in! Sounds fun! I'll keep you posted.

It has been funny as the days are getting shorter here and it is not light until well after 6:00 am, I have been reluctantly hitting the roads. You can't beat the break of dawn in early fall though. Priceless.

Send healing vibes for this crickity hip - I need them!! Thanks for all of the support as always!!

Last, but far from least, a moment to remember September 11 and all of its victims. We shall never forget to remember and to honor.


Anonymous said...

I don't think its whining particularly. I think you're just trying to work through some tough life stuff: not necessarily the stuff of PRs per se, but definitely something to be said for getting thru tough patches in life and still putting down a good effort.

Get healthy kid...

Kel said...

Mindi said...

Thanks Tusca.

Kel - I know. I am usually good about my pilates routines (both core and glutes/thighs), but as mentioned, time is a commodity and it has taken a back seat.

bryan said...

Race judicata? I love it. But, does that mean they are going to refuse to record your new time and instead enter your time from your previous race?

And, can we get points at work too for showing up looking non-lawyerish?

sage said...

Mindi! I had a $5 headlamp from Target that was serviceable for a year. I just got a Petzl Tikka Plus from REI and ooooh! I'm so glad I did.

And, my boy is a better long distance runner than a 5K'er. I hope he gets to run college CC because I think he'll do great at the 10K. When he runs 10Ks & HMs, he's always won his age group. The next 10K, he's shooting for winning the whole darn thing.