Today I ran my long run and it was one of those runs that can be wholly described in two words: "mental toughness." I had 17 scheduled, but planned to do 18. Then I looked at my schedule and realized if I did 20, I would hit 50 miles for the week. Hey, I can do that.
I headed out the door at 7:30 and it wasn't too warm - right around 70 degrees. Unfortunately, the 94% humidity wasn't too pleasant. After 3 miles I was completely soaking wet - crazy. I headed down the trail and around mile 10 I got to the park I usually refill at. I decided to pass it up and stop on my way back. That was a mistake. I ran out of water more than a mile and a half before the park and was really feeling it. But I finally got to the park and there were a couple baseball games going on and people everywhere. It was actually hilarious because there I am soaking wet, undoubtedly red in the face, with sunscreen blotches and little black bugs intermittently stuck to my skin. LOL. I start dumping water on my head and people were looking at me like I was absolutely insane. HAHAH. Hardcore, baby!
The last few miles were tough as the sun came out and the temp continued to rise. I ended up finishing with 19.5 miles. Not quite 20, but I think I will adopt Bridget's strategy and round it up! :)
So here is my week:
M: rest/pilates
T: 9 - 6.2 w/u; intervals at mile pace: 600 (2:22); 600 (2:19); 400 (1:27); 400 (1:26) c/d
W: unplanned rest - I ended up working until 10:30 pm!
R: 5.36 easy (9:33)
F: 10.2 (9:16)
Sa: 5.6 recovery (10:00)
Su: 19.5 (9:35)
Total: 49.5 miles
Next week is a cut-back week and the Capitol Mile. I am really not sure what to expect for the mile, but I am hoping to get close to 6:00. Last year I ran a 5:58, but I'm not quite in the shape I was last year. I think sub 6:10 is definitely doable. We shall see.
All of a sudden Mindi's doing 20 milers? You don't mess around, do you?
Good job!
The 400s look good. My guess is that you'll be right at 6:00, either just over or just under.
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