Thursday, May 15, 2008

Scary Baby feet and Scrabulous whoopins

Yes, that is my week to report. Joe+ kicked my ass in scrabulous 2x. Fun game. Salty kicked it once. So any of you novices want to challenge me, I'm in!

This week has been very very good. Work is busy, but I am calm with it. For those of you that may practice law and understand that comment, yeah! A good week. I published an article and received a very positive response. I initially published it in our firm newsletter, but 2 other outside sources contacted me requesting to publish it. My "hectic" case has chilled. It is only temporary, but I will take it while I can. I also had some fun new matters come in too.

Madison Marathon is on! Heh. Not sure of the goal as of yet. It will likely depend on the weather report 3 days out.

Sorry for being delinquent on the blogs I normally frequent. I have missed ya'll and will check in this weekend. That is the downside to hectic work..... I still have no idea what the hell actually happened with the China earthquake. Crazy stuff!

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