Saturday, May 3, 2008

Kel tagged me . . .

Every day we define ourselves.

Not six words, but for once I am being succinct. :) Kel, I loved your memoir. Great one.

I hereby tag Salty, Joe+, Aharmer, Tusca, Greg and Adeel.

This week has been rough. I have been very busy and very stressed at work. Wednesday alone I logged 17 billable hours. End is not quite in sight, but I know it will get finished. Ack.

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were non-running days (see above). It just about made me crazy.

Thursday I logged 10 in the am. I was so tired it was literally a matter of putting one foot in front of the other. It was honestly the most perfect running weather. I did take note of that several times and was thankful.

Friday am I logged just under 4. Again, one foot in front of the other. Beautiful morning.

This morning I ran the Lake Monona 20K. It is an awesome race. I ran it once before in 2006. I was dog tired, but determined to get my butt out there. I got a 2.5 mile warm-up, then ran the race. PERFECT running conditions. It was overcast, 50 and some wind. There were a couple spots where the wind was brutal, but for the most part it was welcome. Unfortunately by mile 8 I just wanted to stop. I was stitchy and tired and kind of miserable. Not good. But I finished at 1:40 and despite having a nasty stitch I finished strong and caught a couple of ladies just before the finish. Hey, it may not have been a great race, but I can still take a few names at the end. :)

My friend Anne and I enjoyed a beer at the finish even though it was only 10:45 am. Very funny. Tonight I am going to go listen to my husband's band. I really am too tired for that, but I know if I will stay home I will get sucked into my work. And I REFUSE to work today. Tomorrow, ok. Today, NO.

Good luck tomorrow Greg.

1 comment:

Greg said...

Ack. I've been tagged. I thought I was supposed to write a "memoir" as in "a biography or biographical sketch." Can I cheat, too? Introspection is too scary.

Thanks for the good wishes. The race is done and the report is up. No BQ, but I done good I think.

The 20k sounds fun. I love the beer truck at 10:45am. I ran a half that started at 8 and had beer at the end. It couldn't have been past 11 before they were pouring brews. Pizza, too.