Saturday, May 17, 2008

100 things about me!

I loved this post on runnin-from-the-law's page, and many were eerily accurate, so I thought I would give my spin.....

100 Things About Me

1) RED is my favorite color.
2) I sucked my thumb until college. It drove my parents crazy. And gosh that is embarassing to admit "outloud." But it is what is is and I ended up ok. Although I made my mom crazy. Understandably. WTF?!? Amazingly, neither of my kids ever sucked their thumbs or took pacifiers. That was a blessing and a curse.
3) I was a criminology major, but can’t stomach the idea of criminal law. I interned with the Federal Public Defender (which is the "soft" stuff - bank robberies, cocaine, etc.). Still, I could not do that every day. I am too much of an optimist. Too much knowledge of the really horrible sh!t can break you down too fast.
4) My kids are 18 months apart in age – but two grades apart.
5) My real hair color is light brown. But I like adding "sun-in" every couple of weeks to keep the folicles blonde - my hairdresser is horrified and at the same time amazed.
6) I was a stay-at-home mom for more than 6 years. It was amazingly difficult and amazingly precious.
7) My husband and I met in law school - we went to FL law, but both showed up in FSU gear (big tabbou near the swamp).
8) My husband and I first became best friends, then officially "kissed" (after watching Princess Bride actually) 5 or 6 months later. Our first kiss also included our first declaration of "I love you." We both meant it wholeheartedly.
9) I have my belly button pierced, but no longer wear any ornamentation - pregnancy will induce you to take it out - after many months, the option is repierce or let it lie. I have let it lie.
10) I can drink a boot really fast. If you ever want to know what a boot is, go to Essen Haus. It is not for the faint-hearted however. It you like German beer and the polka, you are set.
11) My maiden name is Gile.
12) My german teacher ridiculed me over my maiden name and called me "gille" which means "horny" in German. Some teachers really should be terminated.
13) I love playing bridge.
14) Because no one under 80 knows how to play bridge anymore (which is a tragedy in itself), I settle for euchre.
15) My favorite number is 45.
16) My eyesite (farsite?) is going to the birds after staring at my computer and documents all day.
17) I HATE beets. Don't get me started.
18) My first job was being a dishwasher at 14.
19) It sucked.
20) I do know how to drive a stick and was a crazy woman when I learned.
21) High speed bumper tap as a teenager? Yep, did it? Gosh I am glad I lived. Teenagers are missing half of their brain.
22) I have never broken any bones.
22) I have an older sister. She is awesome.
23) My high school had a grauduating class of 36 students.
24) I went to college at UW-Madison for 2 years.
25) I then transferred to FSU and graduated in 2006 (because I was still stuck in small town USA, which I now enjoy, but at the time, was SO not what I was looking for). I knew NO ONE there. It was crazy. A bit dumb. But overall, made me who I am.
26) I went to law school in Florida.
27) I was planning to go to the San Fransisco area for law school until 2 months before law school started.
28) So did my soon-to-be-husband.
29) We both, on a whim, ended up in FL.
30) The rest, we can say, is history.
31) I am chlostrophobic (sp?)
32) I ran track in highschool. High hurdles. I sucked., I quit after my freshman year.
33) I ran the 110 and 440 HH, 400 meter and 800 meter.
34) I was embarrassed b/c I clearly was not "good enough" for the team.
35) I hope to run my sixth and seventh marathon this year.
36) I thought I would relax since I started a new job and NOT train.
37) But then I realized running was part of me. If I can, I will.
38) I love cheese - particularly extra sharp cheddar.
39) I love wine, particularly red zinfindels.
40) I treasure good friends. There is nothing better than someone who cares just because they do.
41) I love to work hard, but I love to come home to someone who can give me a hug every day more.
42) I used to have an eating disorder in high school.
43) Thank God I do not anymore.
44) I enjoy serving as a mentor to young girls that you can be stong, healthy, successful and beautiful without having to sacrifice ANYTHING.
45) I have been to Mexico.
46) I am not a patient person.
47) My favorite season is Summer.
48) I am a Leo.
49) My hands are always freezing cold in the winter.
50) I prefer red wine.
51) I look forward to my coffee every morning.
50) I prefer Folgers. Fancy coffee is WAY overrated.
51) I am a kick-butt attorney.
52) I am very organized.
56) I love getting into my "comfortable clothes" every night.
57) Despite how glamorous they are on Victoria's Secret, bras (no matter who makes them) are insanely incomfortable. Sexy? Maybe. But the first thing to come off once home.
58) I go to bed early.
58) I am reluctantly beginning to admit to being a morning person.
59) I never used to be a morning person.
60) My husband is by far my best friend.
61) I now have a blog.
62) I used to golf (although I was terrible).
63) Now I would rather do anything BUT golf.
64) I have been married almost 10 years.
65) My husband is in a rock band, so with full legal sufficiency, I can state that he rocks! :)
66) My son is just like me.
67) My other son is just like me.
68) They are also just like my husband.
69) They are competitive, driven, smart, and I hope they chill out a bit, even though I never did (nor did my husband).
70) My oldest son looks like my clone, only male and with dimples.
71) I look like my mom.
70) I am 5 feet 5 inches tall.
71) My feet are wrecked with the new stockings/tight-toed heels thing + running.
72) It is a BIG concern of mine how wrecked my feet are.
73) I am glad that is one of my biggest worries.
77) I switched religions when I married my husband.
78) I love looking at the ocean and hearing the ocean.
79) But I don’t like swimming in the ocean.
80) I LOVE seafood.
81) I love reading.
82) My favorite author is Jodi Picoult.
83) I LOVE dogs. But they are like having a child. So no dogs in my near future.
84) I miss my dog, Malarchie, a beautiful Weimaraner. Losing her was a heartbreaker.
85) I am SO happy to be doing nothing more than blogging. This week has been hectic.
86) I got published this week and 3 other places picked it up based on the "buzz". I recieved a big nod. Good for my career. YAY! I was not a waste of my time.
87) I am on the board of a non-profit company that provides invaluable benefits to adults with developmental disabilities and traumatic brain injuries.
88) My aunt, who is 6 months older than me, has down's syndrome. She is fabulous. Watch any down-syndrome person and observe their innnate happiness. If only the scientists could pinpoint why - there is nothing more awe-inspiring than a truly happy person. If you don't believe me, check it out.
89) I love watching Grey's Anatomy.
90) This season has been a big downer though.
91) I read to get a comical relief from the real world from time to time.
92) And that is embarrasing.
93) I love to run. I LOVE to run long. I LOVE to race. And runners are an awesome group as a whole.
94) I miss my husband because he is gone tonight. And tomorrow night. And Monday.
95) He is my superstar.
96) But he is helping his Mom in a rough spot. He is a great man.
97) I am very lucky.
98) Thanks for reading.
99) I treasure all of my friends.
100) I am one lucky girl (how does it hurt to reitterate?)


Runnin-From-The-Law said...

You are alot like me! Does that mean Adam now has a third wife?! Very fun to read your list.

DD (10) and DH made lists after they read mine. Very fun to read both of their lists. I actually learned a couple things about DH that I didn't know. And I will definitely be saving DD's list in my box of treasures.

A Deal Or No Deal said...

50) I prefer Folgers. Paid coffee is WAY overrated.

I don't know why, out of 100 things, this is the one that made me comment. I've started drinking coffee black lately, and I noticed that a $1.58 short from Starbucks tastes just like a 65-cent cup from a vending machine in the Detroit Greyhound station.

Mindi said...

That would be awesome to read your kid's list - definitely a keeper! Yeah, I laughed when I read yours - 85% or more could have been written by me!

Adeel- I am telling you that Starbucks and all the fancy coffee houses out there are the biggest scam. People go nutso over it though, so I guess they have a good market. People like thr "fru fru" stuff added. Well good. Buy some cream and sugar. If you are really wild get some hazelnut cream (or whatever kind you like). It's all the same. And costs them about $.07 cents a cup ($.05 for the cup).