Thursday, April 17, 2008

You know you are a running geek when...

So today was a success (somewhat). I did not go to work. One teleconference only. I billed a total of .5 hours. Nice! BUT, my "long run" today was only 11.5. My tummy was not agreeing with me despite a beautiful 65 degree day!!

I took chocolate donuts and daffodils into my son's first grade class in celebration of his 7th birthday (which will be in August, so we pick random dates to celebrate during spring). Both my son and his teacher were thrilled. I wish I could do that every day. Well, not the donuts, but the flowers. My childrens' teachers are so unbelievable...I am very thankful.

Onto the consumer side (yes, I was just b!ching about gas prices), BUT, we got some damn fancy new kitchen appliances. I am spoiled.

And the highlight of my day was that I got to run with my husband. As I mentioned before, he has been insanely busy, but we both strategically took today off. I schooled him on some good hills, which I fully enjoyed and he cursed my name for (but will thank me for later). It was hilarious though because he has started reading my blog lately (although not posting). He asked me if any of my blog "friends" were local and I was explaining who all of you are. So I talk about Joseph in AL, Salty and Roots in OH, Adam, Kel, Kotzebue and Bryan in the Twin Cities, Adeel in Ontario, Joe+ in Tampa, Tom in Philly, Mainers in NC(?), Hubitron and Bridget in Chicago, etc. and I am giving a brief background on each of you. Then I get to Greg. I say, oh yeah, and there is this guy in the D.C. area that is great. We used to train around the same volume and he has the same heart rate values as me, it is cool. LOL. I thought my husband was going to SPLIT a side!

He said, Mindi, I know that comment makes so much sense to you, and I understand it because I live with you, but if you said that to any "normal person" they would think you were crazy for having this great connection with some Greg in DC because you have the same "heart rate values." [cue my hat tipping to Greg, my HR fellow...] :)

We are a rare breed. I love it. And I love that my husband understands and appreciates it. :) I am a lucky girl.

It was a good day.

1 comment:

Greg said...

I read that to my wife and she laughed, too? Makes perfect sense to me. I think they're just jealous their max HR isn't 200 :-)