Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Someone please clarify....

When I post to my blog, or post a reply to others, I have to enter a security code. How is this helpful? I mean, if someone was on my computer pretending to be "me" how does this stupid code do anything? Sorry for my ignorance, but I find it not only annoying, but one of those relatively useless..., ok a waste of time. Who are we kidding? What kind of "security" does this code actually offer? Anyone?

On a VERY positive note, I got my sorry self in gear and wrote up a spring schedule! Woo Hoo. Long overdue is an understatement. But I needed to get my feet under me at work, get a feel for the treadmill, etc. I can deal with the treadmill during the week. Now that it looks like weekends may cooperate with training efforts, I am on board. And no, I am not usually this much of a wimp. But this winter is, in scientific terms the suckiest. So we do what we can.

BTW - the pic is of my nephew and son doing "foot farts." Yeah, it is good to be a young boy with no cares. I am so proud. :)


A Deal Or No Deal said...

Do you mean the word verification? It's designed to guard against spambots, who leave nonsensical comments using scripts but can't enter 'llqyx' into a textbox.

The guy who invented that spoke at U of T recently. I wanted to protest.

joe positive said...

Lately I've had trouble reading some of the word-verification strings because they've started using weird font. Either that, or I'm really getting old.

What I don't understand is why I have to login with a (google) username/password and do the word-verification. One form of ID is plenty, thank you. These aren't state secrets here.

A Deal Or No Deal said...

Both the verification and the login (to prevent anonymous comments) are optional. You can undo one or both.