Sunday, February 3, 2008

Super Bowl

Go Giants! Admittedly I was cheering for the Pats. I have no loyalty for them, I just thought it would be cool to see them have a perfect seaon. But then I watched the game. Admittedly I am a Manning fan, so it was fun.
So I was in a FOUL mood yesterday. Seriously. I was as unpleasant to be around as when I was 15 years old. I had, of course, a million things (errands) to do yesterday. I set out and it started pouring snow again. I finally get to my first destination (20 minutes later) and realize I forgot my purse! Thank goodness my husband was home to give me a credit card number over the phone (I had a return that required $2.00 for the exchange and I had nothing).

I had 15 other things to do. BUT I don't think Target or the grocery store would have taken my cc over the phone. So I was cranky. AND I have so looked forward to the weekends to running outside. But we have run out of salt in our town and the roads are at least an inch thick of pure snow. OK for one or two runs. More than that spells injury. So, yeah, this year has been relentless. I am sick of it. And quite frankly, yesterday I was pissed off. BUT I logged 7 miles yesterday, 5 today on the treadmill. Nothing to write home about, but moving forward. I realize I MUST run every day if I am going to log decent mileage.

I received my first paycheck on Friday. It flippin' rocked. They actually pay me for this. And they pay me well! I am thinking of using my check to off Punxsutawney Phil. Bad form?


Greg said...

I hope the paycheck helped soothe the pain of the lost weekend. I have the same reaction to that kind of thing -- I get mad. I just hate doing a million things that just have to be done but don't feel they're getting me anywhere. It's worse when you spend a lot time on them and don't even get to check them off your list (because you forgot your cc or whatever). Argh.

You're right on the mileage. I just plan for everyday and figure maybe one will fall out for whatever reason. If you're shooting for 50 miles a week and plan for 6 days, but one unexpectedly falls out, then you have to average 10 miles a day and it can be tough to find time for a 10 miler.

I don't know if you can make it work, but mornings, when everybody is still asleep, is about the only time you can absolutely count on.

Bryan said...

I know the feeling -- I'm starting to get tired of running on the snow and ice all the time. Starting to really feel like the cheesy saying about Minnesota having two seasons, winter and August...

Anonymous said...

When I lived in Vermont, there was always a point in the winter--usually Feb. or early March--after 4 months of gray (a lot worse than snow in my opinion) and cold, people would just drink themselves into a coma.

But if you didn't drink and/or have other responsibilities--you know, like jobs or kids--then you just got pissed. Then tired. Then pissed some more. Repeat and rinse...