Friday, February 1, 2008

Not only am I running slacker

but also a blogging slacker. Oh well. The knee is much better. Greg, I have chondromalacia, which is a serious knee condition. I have had it since a freak water park accident when I was 14. Well, I actually make it sound much more exciting and litigious than it was. I was "riding" in the waves in a wave pool and a tremendously obsese dude jumped right on me. My knee hit the concrete floor - it has never been the same since. I've had surgery, but the cartilage is shot and I already have some arthritis. If my legs are not strong (and balanced muscle proportion) I have tracking issues. It also consistently cracks and makes funky noises. Fun, huh? That is one of the many *exciting* facts about me. :) Usually I am fine, but bitter cold and crappy conditions causing me to lose balance will cause it to scream.

Ok, now that I have bored you all to tears, I will move on......This week was insanely cold here. Schools were closed on Wednesday b/c it ws -35 degrees with the wind chill. Now I know you southern folks cannot fathom it, but it is insanely, insanely, indescribably cold. Needless to say, all of the illness and school closings have been tough for me and my hubby to work around, but we are getting there.

My littlest boy's ear is better. Unfortunately, I am now riddled with "Mommy Guilt" though as he cries every day at day care (and he is NOT a crier and very self-conscious so he gets upset he is so sad too :). He says he just misses me and that we used to spend so much time together. Ouch. That is the upside to putting kids in daycare before they can fully express these feelings. We will get there, but it has been a painful week.

Work is great. I'm loving it.

Running is still pretty pathetic, but I did manage a fun fartlek on the treadmill this morning. First treadmill speed work for me ever. It was fun! I didn't push too hard, but it was fun to get moving some and to feel like I was doing a "workout" rather than going through the motions.

I am inspired by Salty and am going to set up a plan this weekend. I am ready for some structure and to get out of this funk I'm in with running.

Sorry I have been gone all week. I'll catch up on blogs this weekend. Have a good one and enjoy the SuperBowl (and commercials).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sure, you get a job that you love and have a family, and us bloggers are left out in the cold. I see how this going to be. The tears are falling at an alarming rate!

I used to live in Northern Vermont, so I'm accustomed to the cold weather, though IMHO -35 is utterly mind-blowing. There is no way in hell I'd even haul my butt out the door for that one, but I have a feeling Adeel might think the state of WI is weak, considering he did do runs in the Northwest Territory.

Per "Runners Knee" and tracking: that is the *exact* injury that started the train wreck that was my last summer. Mine, however, was training induced, as opposed to trauma. That said, nipping that in the bud might be even more important for your running than running at this point. Be vigilant with those PT exercises!