Thursday, January 24, 2008

What time?

So I am starting to get into the swing of things at work. Don't I look very professional?!? Heh! To get to the photography studio on Tuesday am, it took 1.5 hours. Yes, a drive that SHOULD have taken 25 minutes was 1.5 hours. Going 5 mph down the beltine through a snowy mess was a nightmare. "Who cares?", you ask. Well my friends, I am now a slave to the billable hour. So I care. That meant no lunch for Mindi. I have been terrible since going back to work about actually eating before 7:00 pm. Not good. Thank goodness I am not running 70 mpw or I would probably be in the state of Amy Winehouse. Well, actually I can't sing at all...really it is scary....And I don't do drugs. BUT emaciated and on the verge of death are the ideas I was thinking here....

Things are going well though. I have the typical worries (billable hours, do they like my work, yada yada yada), but the work is very interesting. I have always loved this stuff - my middle name is "Sue" for a reason! ;) The people I work with are very nice, the pay is great, no complaints.

The family is adjusting and my husband should be up for Sainthood any day (although he does not hear voices that I am aware of :)). My littlest boy had a fever of 102 this morning so we could not take him to daycare. My husband took one for the team and worked at home, which is never quite as productive as you think it will be. Tomorrow we are both busy so we will have to crank them up with Motrin Cold if they are still iffy. Yes, that is terrible. I know. But it is what it is.

Running? Dammit I suck. But I have made friends with my treadmill. It actually kind of rocks. Yes, I really did say that. There is NO WAY I would be running these past 2 weeks if it were not for my wonderful treadmill. I have been running before 6 am, and well, without regard to windchill, it has been b/w -4 and -11 every morning at that time. Ouch. So it is working. Do I LOVE it? No. But it is a helpful solution.

I have some juicy gossip to offer those out of the loop:

Salty frequents strip clubs.
Tuscaloosa eats innards (and not only admits it, but also likes it).
Joe+ is a rockin power ranger.

I'd put in links but I am too lazy at this damn point of the day. Have a good one, ya'll. ;)

Salty, your sister is very witty BTW.

Oh yeah, and I have to send out a professional "announcement" because I rock so damn much. Oh wait, no it is because MARKETING is important. Well, I choose to live in my own little world anyway. :) I am building my contacts. It's on the firm. If you want one, e-mail me your addy.


The Salty One said...

Isn't she cute? Well, I was talking about my sister but now that you mention it, so are you! hehe. Sometimes I feel like I miss out on the little things that come with being in a firm: the bio page on the website being one of them.

You'll get the hang of things soon and just get more efficient and have more and more minutes to spare for running and by then the weather will be MUCH nicer and you and the treadmill will have an even better relationship when you don't have to spend time together on every run :)

A Deal Or No Deal said...

I had grad photos taken last week. Professional photographers are some of the creepiest people in the world. I couldn't tell if he was hitting on me or just trying to have fun with repeating the same phrases 100 times a day.

You really did choose the right profession, just like Mr. Penman, the head of my high school English department.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I think you should go for the Amy Winehouse look for your law photos. Seriously, a nice big tatoo on your neck; a big piercing in your lip. THAT would bring the clients for sure.

By the way, I don't eat all innards, just some, my friend. And they have to be cooked just right, usually in foreing cuisine--from French to Chinese.

That said, do you eat hot dogs? Chorizo? Sausage? If you answer yes to any of these foods, you eat innards as well my friend...