Monday, January 7, 2008

What do you do with your race t-shirts?

Check out my latest project. I decided to make a quilt out of my race t-shirts from 2005-2007. I believe I am only missing the t-shirts for one or 2 races. I had originally held off on the idea thinking one day I may want to do a quilt of just marathons, but let's face it, it will be at least 20 years before I have enough of those bad boys to make a respectable quilt. The image you see is where I'm at right now. I still need to finish piecing it together, put on a border and a back and quilt the thing, but what do you think?

Running: first day of new schedule was a rest day. It was crazy stormy here this morning and then when I finally made it out my knee was killing me. I'm sure it is because of my high heeled boots I wore last out last night. High heels (and rainy weather) are both bains to my knee. I'm going to have to get some "sensible" shoes for work if I think I am going to continue running!!


Greg said...

Very nice. Especially the Boston 2007 in the middle. Oooh, I'm jealous. (I'm also jealous of the gate river run shirt. That's a race I'd like to do.)

I wear some of my t-shirts, but the vast majority sit in a pile in my closet, worn only when I'm out of tech shirts. I use the uglier long-sleeve ones to keep warm before a race and ditch them at the start.

Quinto Sol said...

Very nice indeed. I also liked the 'inserts' such as the prominently place B*ston Marathon one.

The Salty One said...

I love it! I wear my short sleeve ones on recovery runs or for pjs and I wear the long sleeve ones in the winter over a tech shirt--very cozy!

(I wrote you a long msg on running2win but when I went to send it the stupid site made me sign-in and it was lost :( I am too lazy to rewrite now, but will try again soon!)

Anonymous said...


My mother in law did the same thing with my race T-shirts: make a patchwork quilt. Not to be hokey, but I really treasure it: it really synthesizes the running experience for me the way a loose collection of T-shirts can not.

Adam said...

Awesome quilt, I'd love to have one! Unfortunately I don't race much and I rarely take the shirts so mine would be very small. The only race I've done that was smart enough to give a polypropelene running shirt was the Edmund Fitz. Hope the knee feels better soon.