Sunday, January 13, 2008

A New Era

Today is my last day as a stay-at-home mom. I start my new job tomorrow! Woo Hoo! I am excited and a wee bit scared. But hopefully all will go well. I am excited too because I was talking to a friend when I was out on Friday night and he told me that he is in a position to get a new patent lawyer (he doesn't like the one his company uses), did I know any? Yep, definitely. We have some great ones at my new firm. Then I explained to him that I do IP work, just not patents. I do copyrights and trademarks. Really? Then he told me his company actually is in the process of renaming all of their products because they just got bought out and really need a trademark lawyer. He wants me to call him once I get in and hopefully he can send me some work. So how cool would that be if I could bring in a big new client right away? Hopefully it will work out. It will be HUGE for me if it does.

I made the plunge today and bought a treadmill! I ended up getting the Sole F85. I really wanted the Sole F77, which is a non-folding tm, but I would have to order it online and I will not be here when it arrives. So I went to Dick's Sports today and dropped a ton of cash on a brand spanking new treadmill. I am still waiting for my husband to get home (he had to work today) so we can carry the thing downstairs and put it together. I plan to take it for a test drive tonight. It is supposed to get insanely cold this week too so I'm sure it will get a lot of use.

My week of running was yet again pretty pathetic.

M - NADA! I didn't make it more than 300 feet and my knee was KILLING me. So I guess that means it is a rest day. :(

T - pilates - knee felt good, but my husband was gone until very late so I couldn't get a run in.

W - 8.51 miles (9:27 pace/151 AHR) - Boy am I out of shape!

R - rest - again husband was gone until 10:00 pm

F - 6 easy (10:07 pace/151 AHR). Seriously. Hard to keep footing as this was a slog through the slush and snow.

Sa - pilates + 6 easy (9:19 pace/154 AHR).

Su - pilates and probably 5 or 6 on the treadmill tonight.

Wow, that sucks. So you understand how much so, I usually run my recovery runs around a 139 AHR and my pace is usually around 9:20. I usually don't hit the 150s unless I am running at least 8:30s or 8:40s. A small part of it is because I still have a nasty head/chest cold that is still hanging on. It is better, but lingering. I know several people with this cold and apparently it lasts a long time. :( But I know the "large part" of it is that I am running 1/3 of the mileage I was during the fall.


Adam said...

Hey Mindi,

Have fun on the mill tonight, I'll be out on the dark trail after the kids go down. It's amazing how quickly your aerobic fitness leaves isn't it? It comes back though...have faith! Have you ever done a Hadd test on the TM? It's a great fitness indicator and takes some of the boredom out of running on the TM. If you aren't familiar and want to try it shoot me an email. There are links on my page to Hadd.

Greg said...

A big day -- hope everything goes off without a hitch. We'll give you a pass on running for a while.

mainers said...

good luck with the new job Mindi! and don't worry about the running. it will come round again soon, especially now you've got your new toy!

CoachT said...

I think you'll like the Sole. I have an F80 model and it has almost 2k miles on it.

Thanks for checking out my site and good luck with the new job. You're brave to go back into private practice (says the in-house attorney).

Tom said...


Good luck with the new job and the new treadmill. How cool would that be - oh, I'm new here, and heck, I thought I'd bring in some business for you. Now about that starting salary... :)

I think you will like the Sole. I tried it when I was looking for mine and thought it was very nice.

I don't put as many miles on the treadmill as Trevor does, but I don't mind it as much as some people. Running time is me time, so I don't really care where it is.

Have fun!

The Salty One said...

I hope the day goes well for you today. The beginning of a new era is always exciting! I hope the little ones' adjustment is easy too.

And can't wait to hear about the wonders of the new mill!

Anonymous said...

Good Luck with the new job, Mindi! It's so exciting to hear someone else so excited (I hope you get that new client too).

Have fun on the TM . . . I am one of those strange creatures who absolutely loves running on the treadmill.


Mindi said...

You guys rock! Thanks so much for all of the kind messages!

Today went well despite a rocky start. My alarm did not go off as planned so I only had time to run for 30 minutes on the tm. I am not used to the new toy and when I stopped to say goodbye to my husband, it reset the whole thing after only 17 minutes. Oh well, I'll try again tomorrow.

My little guy was so scared when I dropped him off. He handled it better than me. The good news that I was smart enough to wait on the mascara until after I left him! :)

Work went well. Lots of admin stuff and it will definitely take me a while to get used to all of the computer systems. I did get some work though and received lots of great smiles. It should be a good adventure.

aharmer - a Hadd test is a great idea! Thanks. It is just the 2400s at various HRs, right? I have not done one before, but have always wanted to. I am in a great place to do one too (i.e. bottom of the running food chain). Feel free to send me any more tips on it. I just know I'll have to use the Garmin HRM as the one that came with my TM is not so good.

greg - thanks - and I will take that pass. I have a feeling the next couple of weeks will be a bit hectic and running will be the first to give (as it was this morning). But I plan to keep in the game as much as I can. The bad news is that while my offices are beautiful and state-of-the-art, they have no locker rooms for lunch time running. Not good.

coacht - thanks for stopping by! Nice to have another lawyer among us!

bridget - I hate the treadmill, but I am trying to change my attitude for this new era. I need to if I want to have any decent base.

everyone else - thanks so much! It was awesome to come home to all of your nice messages today!

A Deal Or No Deal said...

Congratulations on starting the job.

If you're bummed about running, try a short tempo of 20-25 minutes once a week even if you're not running much. It'll help with fitness, but probably also with how happy you feel about your running.

Anonymous said...


I'm way late to the party, but I'm glad the day went well, if not busy. I'm sure your son probably was less an "emotional wreck" than you--at least, that's my experience of parent-child separation.

Per the running, Adeel's right, some tempo work couldn't hurt. Though, when are you thinking about starting to turn on the training gears for the Spring?

And don't worry about the paces: they'll come back round after a few weeks of consistant training.