Monday, January 28, 2008

You know, I hated watching the fall of coolrunning. I honestly loved Coolrunning. I am a smarter, faster and better runner because of the information I learned there. But then it fell into a terrible place at the same time I just didn't have time to make the effort to make it work. And I love this forum b/c some of my faves from coolrunning are here. BUT, then today I got a rockin' race report from Loopy re the Goofy Challenge. He hit his goals handily and it was awesome to read it all. And it was cool to recognize some of the good ole' cool runners. Dammit, I don't have time for this. But I love this stuff. I miss the folks from Mainstream Racing.

As for me and my running, I was not able to run yesterday despite the nice temps. We were busy all day and my husband was at the office until 6 (supposed to be noon). I got up promptly at 5 this am and hopped on my trusty TM and my knee SCREAMED at me. Clarify, not a questionable scream, a stop now or you will be disabled for life scream. DAMMIT. I don't know if it was the slop conditions the other day or my latest work shoes, but I need to figure it out. It is an accute "knock it off now" symptom - ack! I'll keep you posted. Enjoy the heat wave.


Greg said...

I'm sorry to hear about your knee. This is a couple of screaming knee posts. Any thoughts on the cause?

I've let go of coolrunning for now. I was following it through the RSS feed for a little while but now have stopped even that. It's amazing how quickly the community was shattered.

A Deal Or No Deal said...

Now's a great time to take a few days off.

I can't believe how quickly Cool Running disappeared. I expected the worst from Active, but I didn't think it would be this bad. I haven't been able to log in since the merger. I'm glad that everyone's still around elsewhere. Running Ahead is also a really good site.

Bryan said...

Our heat wave was nice while it lasted... Take a few days off from running! Give that knee a chance to get a grip and mellow out. So worth it in the long run.

And, you really hit on one... I went for a couple years without eating eggs after thinking a little too hard about what they really are.

Anonymous said...

I think CR is a very good example of trying to fix something that wasn't broken--I mean, there was a way to keep the server from going down without compromising the entire community. But whatever--it just goes to show the tenuous nature of the internet--and how people--at least online--gravitate toward the more grassroots effort, like Kick or RA.

Kel said...

My knees have always bothered me more on the TM than "real" running. Hope you're feeling better soon!

PS> the heat wave is offically over and the wrath of winter is back.


Mindi said...

Yep. Heat wave is over. School here were cancelled today. It is supposed to be -25 to -35 this morning. :(