Thursday, January 3, 2008

It is friggin' cold!

It has been insanely cold here this week. When I woke up this morning, the real temp was -4 degrees. Accordingly to the local weather, it was around -15 with the wind chill. Sheesh. Now that is COLD! I did not run on New Years Day or yesterday because I developed a pretty wicked cold and did not want to irritate it by pushing my tired self in single digit (if that) temps. But today I just plain felt lazy, so I did 30 easy minutes on the treadmill. Certainly nothing to write home about as a workout, but it was something of a triumph for me as I am notoriously unable to run on the treadmill. The good news it is supposed to be slightly warmer tomorrow and this weekend so I should be able to get some decent runs in.

I am still trying to figure out some sort of spring schedule. I love marathoning, but some of you may be right in that it is not worth the attempt if I can't put in decent miles. So I may shoot for a half, or even work on my 5K and 10K times. We'll see. Does anyone have good suggestions for schedules for the shorter distances?

I start working later this month. Once I figure out what I can realistically pull off, I will be in a better place to make a "plan." One of my resolutions is to continue running and racing without putting undue pressure on myself. I am hoping the next 6 months will be an adjustment period where work (and obviously family) come first, running is backburnered. Once I get settled in some, I should be able to get in the swing of things a little better. Of course the additional sunlight hours that come with summer will also be helpful.

Yesterday I got my offer details. Today I formally lined up my child care, which is a huge relief. And my 4 year old is starting to get comfortable with the idea, which is obviously huge. He was very sad at first because he is such a "momma's boy" but I think the whole thing will be good for him. Moving forward . . .

Stay warm!!


Anonymous said...

People don't respect the shorter distances and they should--it will give you a chance to work on developing your speed, VO2 max, etc. And to be honest, the most pain I've ever been in any race was the 2nd lap of an 800m run in high school, a 2:04 or thereabouts. It hurt. A lot.

Mindi said...

I hear you on the shorter distances. I ran for several years (almost 8) for fitness before getting into the competitive running scene and was immediately sucked into the marathon. Admittedly, I love it though. I seriously love the weekend long run. But alas, I will not be able to put in good weekday mileage as I am not a 6 minute miler. So back to reality.

I am thinking og concentrating on the half, 10K and 5K. These are all distances that I feel I have no "real" PR for. So any advice would be sincerely appreciated.

And yeah, 800s - I ran that Freshman year in HS. That was pain. And I sucked. Probably why I did not run for almost 10 years after that. Go figure that I love it now. I had a class reunion and they were all shocked at my running. Life is forever a mystery!

Anonymous said...


If you want some ideas, I'd be happy to float some out to you--definitely depends on how well you're feeling (not injured) and what you have time for.

To me, I think what I've seen done w/ a good amount of success is:

M: 45-60 easy run
T: Some kind of Quality work, vo-2 paced (early season, monofartlek; later, true vo-2 stuff).
W: 50-70 easy to progression
R: 35-40 butt-ass slow
F: Q2: Some kind of tempo work
SA: 45-60 EZ
SU: 70-100 Base Long Run

I think this gets you some quality in and can really work on higher end aerobic work. I know some plans, like Daniels, has you throw in some mile-paced, short intervals during the race prep phase, but that might be something for down the line.

If you want more specifics, drop me a line. I'm a bit of a ham and egger, but have some rudementary knowledge.