Sunday, January 27, 2008

I wish it were July...

Yesterday I was able to run outside for the first time in weeks. I was SO looking forward to it. Unfortunately, it was not a good run. It is still very cold and we just have an insane amount of snow. Because of such a high rate of snow (and consquently a huge use of salt for the roads), the state has had to cut back. So the roads are an absolute mess. I did just over 4 miles, and even with my spikes on, I was slipping all over the place. Upon finishing, my knees were immediately hurting. Bummer. It is supposed to get up to 35 today - boy do I hope it does so some of this snow melts. Right now it is 5 degrees, so I am going to hold off on my run until this afternoon.

The good news is that with all of my treadmill running, my nagging aches and pains (from previously running constantly in snow and slush) are gone. I had been worried that my aches were from 2 marathons in a row, and then immediately ramping back up. But I think the real cause was the slippin and slidin, as evidenced by yesterday's run. It is good to feel healthy again.

And overall, my week was ok. I am tired, but getting into the swing of things. I ran 5 times (well, it will be five if I run today). I am logging very light mileage, but I feel I am running the most I can fit in right now. So I am satisfied. I am trying to find balance right now, and I am doing ok with that mission.

I am actually enjoying the treadmill and playing with the speeds. I certainly can't do anything speedy outside with the condition of the road.

My littlest boy has a raging ear infection - poor thing. I did send him to school Friday as he seemed a little better, but by 11:00 am I was called out of a meeting b/c his school was calling to tell me he was sick. By Saturday morning he was a complete mess and went back to bed (on his own) at 8:00 am. That was a clear sign he did not feel good. So my husband took him to the after-hours pediatrician yesterday and got the diagnosis of "the reddest ear I have seen in a long time." :( Sure made me feel like Mom of the Year. But I took him down to my office in the afternoon to hang some pictures, play on my computer and check out the offices. He had really been wanting to see where it is that I go all the time, so it cheered him up.

On a fun note, we went to the UW/UM hockey game on Friday night. We hosted a box and it was loads of fun.

Joseph, I'm just giving you a hard time. I don't like hot dogs unless I am at a baseball game, where hot dog consumption is mandatory. Brats? I love them. Which reminds me, did I tell you that I wish it was July? The bottom line is that we eat lots of nasty things. We just get used to it and don't think about what it really is. Take eggs for example. I love 'em.

On an opposite view of foods, check out Don's blog. He eats very well and his meals look like masterpieces.


Hubitron said...

The snow can leave you slipping and sliding, but I think that it really helps out in the long run. Working all those stabilizers helps to build strength for the spring season. If you have access, running on fields where the snow hasn't been disturbed much is actually more reliable footing than running on the roads, which are cleared, melt a bit because of the salt, and refreeze when it gets really cold again.

Thanks for the link to Don's blog...I got hungry for a second breakfast after seeing his helpings. I narrow escaped making a really stupid comment about the color scheme though...awesome guy.

I'm just too lost in the "science" of nutrition to give a hoot anymore about what I eat. I wouldn't let yourself feel guilty about eggs. Humans have been eating them for thousands of years.

Thanks for the tips about infant sleep habits!

Anonymous said...

I see, Hubitron, Mindi gets all the love for the baby advice. What about my ever-so astute, grand advice of "letting Daisy cry". Should I not be part of a parenting magazine? I also fully endorse letting my cat babysite the child...

Anyhow, Brats rock, no way about that. And despite the grief I gave Hubitron about his food post on his blog, I actually ideally agree with him: eat what works for you and what you enjoy. Eggs are healthy. Hell, even chocolate's healthy in limitied doses. Ditto wine.

Just do what you like is my thing, even if that's Pistachio pudding...

Mindi said...

Hey, I don't have a problem with the pudding thing. And if you like sugar free pistachio pudding, you MUST try TCBY's pistachio yogurt. I think it is sugar free. Yeah, plenty of sugar, but it ROCKS.