Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Some thoughts

So I am going to interrupt my trip report to make a couple of observations and announcements.

1. Coolrunning sucks really bad now. That is unfortunate.

2. It is my 8th wedding anniversary today! I am a very lucky girl.

3. I had my 3rd interview today with the firm I am hoping to get into. I meet with key partners and associates on Thursday. Up to this point, I have only met with their in-house recruiter. He told me that they are hopeful it will work out and it is my "football to fumble" at this point. That is exciting, yet nerve-racking, aye? Wish me luck!!

4. I removed my training schedule because, well, I am so far from training for anything right now it is ridiculous. My guess is that my spring schedule will be completely revamped soon. But I did run a nice 5 miler yesterday.

5. Boy is it cold here. We have a ridiculous amount of snow too.

6. Congratulations Joe Positive on a very good race. Recover well. You rock.

OK, that is enough. I hope you are all well.


Hubitron said...

Coolrunning does indeed appear to be dead. That's too bad. It was a good community with much less of the type of juvenile behavior you see on letsrun. The message board is still more or less functional, but I haven't seen too many folks there yet. People are very annoyed at the running log issues...luckily I haven't ever used the log there.

Congrats on your anniversary!

joe positive said...

OMG! time again...today's my wedding anniversary, too - our 9th. Happy anniversary!

Anonymous said...

Wedding anniverseries abound, so congrats...

Where'd you wind up doing some dining? I noticed you had pictures of the San Fran peaks--you get a chance to hit Flag at all?

CR is just a joke right now. The boards look more primitive than they did before the transition. It's a shame, but we'll see how things shake out.

Mindi said...

WOW!! Happy Anniversary to you too, jp!! It is a good day, doncha think? :)

Joseph - yep, we hit Flagstaff (well, briefly)....I promise I will update with more as I have time. For now I need to do a gingerbread house with our fantastic babysitter and the boys, then out to dinner to celebrate!!

Kel said...

Congrats on your anniversary and good luck with the job interviews!

Hope the hip is doing well...

Greg said...

Congratulations on your interviews and wedding anniversary. I just managed to figure out that Mindi = runninlaw. Duh!

I tried to check if Mindi had a blog by clicking on your name in the comments on my blog, but it didn't list any?? I found this from Joseph's page.