Wednesday, December 5, 2007

My latest workouts

We have gotten inudated with snow, so shoveling has been my primary workout the last few days. And I have done lots of pilates hoping to stretch my legs and strengthen my core. Running? Not so much. I did 10 minutes on the elliptical Sunday and couldn't stand it anymore so I jumped on the treadmill for 25 minutes. I went a whopping 2.08 miles. Yep, that is just over a 12 minute mile. Certainly a record for me. Next time you feel slow, think of me and my 12 minute miles.

I'm not sure when I will run next - I will probably give it a go on Friday morning. My hip is still acting up and I am determined not to let my obsession with running turn into an injury. Of course darkness by 4:30 pm and 8 degree weather is a pretty effective deterrant too. :)

Thanks for the music selections. Please keep them coming. I have been having a blast on itunes.

The job search is looking very favorable for me, folks. Unbelievably enough, I think I may have found an ideal fit. Keep your fingers crossed.

Oh yeah, and speaking of snow, I hope you aren't covered in ice and snow Salty. That would make for an interesting Nationals. Best of luck to you this weekend. I have no doubt you will impress.


Bryan said...

On both hands, my fingers are duly crossed. Let us know how it goes.

We should be getting more snowfall - since you love to run in it so much, you've got to get out there for the live stuff this weekend sometime... I sure will.


Anonymous said...

You know, I find this doubly amusing in that you're an FSU girl...

Heal up: yes, 12:00 are real slow, but at the same time, it's just nice to run. Injury teaches you that...

The Salty One said...

Yeah. Don't worry about running slow. I have had so many painfully slow days lately. I always remind myself that if I wanted to I could run a lot faster, but why? What's the point for you right now? Recovery. So, recover and enjoy it knowing soon you'll be wishing you could skip a run or trot along at a super easy pace!

WOOHOO on the job prospect! I want to know as soon as you know!! Ok, you can tell your husband first, but then you have to tell me!! Hehe.

Thanks for the shout out. It's supposed to be mild and rainy: mud city!

Mindi said...

It really is not funny, Joseph. The REASON I moved to FL was the miserable winter!! But I am back, YAY! (yeah, right)

Seriously though, we have a big trampoline in the back yard for the kids. It is great for the kids, but a big pain in the patootie in the winter. You have to clear the thing off when it is snowy/icy or it gets weighted down and ruins it. So yesterday I went out to clear it and underneath the additional 6" of snow we got was 4-5" slabs of ice. Imagine me trying to throw 3-4' chunks of ice those over the safety nets (6' high) while not trying to fall into the middle of the trampoline b/c it was so weighted down. Not cool. It wasn't until I got at least half of it cleared that I felt reasonably confident that the thing wouldn't collapse on me to my death! Hehe. Needless to say, I am sore EVERYWHERE today despite not working out in days. Take that, 12 minute miles!! :)