Saturday, December 1, 2007

My elliptical and me

Today was a momentous day. We finally brought the TV from our bedroom down to the basement. No one ever watched it in our room other than my boys and I knew I was going to have to start using the elliptical so down it came. I did 30 minutes on the elliptical and it was so flipping boring. Of course I did it while the boys were watching Spongebob. Now I know everyone *loves* Spongebob, but good god that was tough to get through. Tomorrow I get to choose what is on while I am on it. The hips felt better today and my cold is also much better. We got about 5 inches of snow and it is now freezing rain. If there was a good time to try out the elliptical, now would be that time.

I did a lot of Christmas shopping today. Thank goodness for online shopping. I think I would lose my mind if I stepped into a shopping mall on any given weekend in December.

Random question: What "new" music do you like? By new, I mean within the last decade. I am so far behind on my music it is almost scary. Who do you like to listen to that is current?


A Deal Or No Deal said...

Do you mean what's current or who started in the last decade? If it's the latter: Kanye West, Franz Ferdinand, Coldplay, White Stripes and, I guess, Ludacris.

I'm not very with it either.

Anonymous said...

Good god, Sponge Bob on the Elliptical: this is what I have to look forward to? Or maybe Dream Time Barbie...good god.

Anyhow, for me, of the past decade or so in no particular oder:

Radiohead: "In Rainbows", "Amnesiac", and "Kid A"; "Once: The Soundtrack"; White Stripes: "Get Behind Me Satan"; Lucinda Williams; Spiritualized; Jill Scott; The Roots; Amy Winehouse; Madeski, Martin, and Wood; The Shins; The Ya-Ya-Yas; Yo La Tango...I'll think of some more later

The Salty One said...

You know, I am totally one of those people who was cool back in my late teens and early twenties who is somewhat stuck in that time period. Since about the turn of the millenium (heh) I have been very out of it as far as pop culture goes. And really, I like old music. I like Chicago and Al Green and Carly Simon and Joni Mitchell and Otis Redding and the Carpenters. I am not all easy listening, though. I also like Led Zeppelin and Queen and Prince and Van Halen (Panama, Hot for Teacher era). I am so not with it in terms of new new stuff.

Although through some miracle, I have managed to be exposed to some newer music that I really like and am not totally embarrassed to admit! This mainly consists of bands who started in the 90's but have carried over (hey, the 90's were my heyday!): Radiohead, Modest Mouse, the Shins, Spoon, Ryan Adams, Red House Painters, the Unicorns, Feist, Foo Fighters, the Killers, White Stripes, etc.

Tom said...

When I'm on the treadmill, it's frequently with my daughter there watching TV. I try to insist on a movie - even the 100th showing of Cars or Nemo is better than Dora. Or SpongeBob.

Music? For something to listen to while working out? The new Interpol is good. The lead track from the new Springsteen album is surprisingly good. Adeel has some good ones above too.

Kel said...

Hmmmmmmm, favorite new music from the past decade: Nora Jones, Brandi Carlisle, Vieux Farka Toure, Coldplay, Damien Rice, Ray LaMontagne, Amos Lee, Snow Patrol, Jack Johnson - not exactly "workout" tunes - more like "chill" tunes.

A Deal Or No Deal said...

Let me third Radiohead, and second the Foo Fighters.

Bryan said...

if you must put out the call for tunes... forget "chill tunes". i've got to say, for getting totally pumped and psyched off your azz for moving your body, nothing else beats front 242, haujobb, prodigy, covenant, solitary experiments, icon of coil, tarmvred, the future sound of london, negative format, cobalt 60, cubanate, izsoloscope, meat beat manifesto, accessory, informatik, grendel, imminent starvation, download, battery cage - give those a try and you will collapse by the time you're done. cause you will not stop until you rawk the haus down.

seriously. it will make you move.

sage said...

ok, i'll confess: i hate rap.

for speedy running around: Green Day, Wheatus, Fountains of Wayne, Pink, and there's another one, but i'll have to check my mp3 which is at home.

general music, works for long runs: Indigo Girls, Patty Griffin, Brandi Carlile, Kristy Lee... (there's probably some others I'd recommend, but i'll have to check at home)

sage said...

Rhombus is the other one I was thinking of for speedy running.