Sunday, November 11, 2007

Weekly Recap

Pretty sad week for me overall. I ran 6 times, but all very short and slow. I am slipping on the pilates, push ups, sit ups, upper body weights and obliques too. I am in FULL recovery mode. Hee Hee. Read: slacker. It feels great to a point, but I feel like a slow pig too. So this little stage will end soon, I'm sure.


T - 1.8 am on Treadmill - complete disaster as described below / 3.45 pm (8:44/148) / core

W - 5.2 easy (9:31/144) - HR high b/c it was extremely windy

R - core

F - 5.35 (9:23/141) - tried out some new shoes - undecided on what I think of them

Sa - 5.22 (9:06/143)

Su - 4.7 (9:35/141) - run on trail w/DH. Wanted to do 8-10, but we were exhausted - his band played last night and we did not get to bed until 1:30 am and 3:00 am, respectively). For those of you without kids, this means VERY LITTLE SLEEP!

Total: 25.8

So I am officially a slacker. But I danced for about 3.5 hours last night so that counts for some cardio, right? Of course it was offset by a few too many pints of Spotted Cow (yummy), but whatever....It was totally worth it! :)

Oh yeah, and just to refuel the ages old debate.... While I was out last night, some (nonrunning) friends congratulated me on my last marathon(s) and we got to talking briefly. For some reason they immediately brought up dying while running (in hindsight I am thinking they read news re Chicago). I mentioned Ryan Shay and explained how shocking and tragic it was. Response? It is not surprsing b/c marathoning is sooooo dangerous compared to "just running." I told them that marathoning is not dangerous at all provided you are educated about your approach, training, race execution, etc. Response was, no it is definitely dangerous, crazy, you ARE going to die Mindi (they were concerned, God bless them). UMMM, its not like I am smoking crack guys, this is a good thing. Response: smoking crack is ok as long as you go into it educated. OK, they are cunning smart asses. The moral of the story: Misunderstood issues fall on deaf ears when you try to explain (and no, they are not crack heads at all, but definitely closer to crack than marathoning/running as is most of the world!)

Did ya read the post in Boomers re Diabesity. No, I'm not a boomer (yet), but I always enjoy lurking on their discussions. Anyway.....Uck..... This is where I hope I am being a good mother by exercising and teaching them about health rather than being the rest of the world who thinks to make a child smile you need to hand them a cookie and a video game.

Off my soapbox. I promise....

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