Friday, November 30, 2007

So I ran today...

Finally. It took a lot to get me out there too. I woke up this morning with a NASTY head cold. And it was 19.4 degrees. With the wind, said it felt like 11. Yep, it sure did. So I bundled up and hit the road this morning. It was honestly one of those runs where I felt like I had forgotten how to run. Everything felt just a little off. I did just over 5 miles at a snail's pace. Overall, it was pretty uneventful. I got home and was thinking, well, my hip doesn't feel great, but it doesn't hurt. Then came the sneeze. Not a big sneeze, just a regular sneeze. And when it happened, it sent a sharp spear of pain into my L hip. Cue Bobby Bowden's voice: DADGUMMIT.

The good news is that after my run debacle, I got another positive phone call and scheduled another interview.


The Salty One said...

Maybe the universe demands your running luck go down so your job luck can go up? I thought I kicked a mild cold earlier in the week only to be socked with a far worse cold last night. Maybe it's going around the internet?

Mindi said...

Salty - I sure hope you are right. AND, I was annoyed that my follow up interview was a full week out at first. Now I am thanking my lucky stars as I hardly have a voice today!

I hope you feel better soon!