Thursday, November 15, 2007

Because of this I must lament . . .

I am the not-so-proud owner of my very first rejection letter. D@mmit.

The good news is that I also received a BIG FAT MEDAL in the mail today from the Grand Rapids Marathon. Apparently I was the 3rd place female in the 30-34 age group. Sweet.


sage said...

eh, rejection. i've got hundreds (yes, hundreds!) of those letters. no big deal.

finding a job as a lawyer in this economy is teh suck. i was a contract attorney (read: temp) for two years. i finally got the job i have a couple of years after i'd applied for it the first time.

as for madtown area firms, the only thing i'd advise is staying away from Sipsma Hahn and Stafford Rosenbaum.

Hubitron said...

You may find humor in the following, although the field is different:

Rejected Rejection

joe positive said...

Was this a pre-interview or post-interview rejection? If the former, don't sweat it. The post-interview rejections are the only ones I take personally :-)

Mindi said...

Thanks everyone! I love the non-rejection letter. Hopefully I won't have to try that! :)

And yeah, this was a pre-interview rejection letter. AND, I knew the firm was not hiring right now. In fact they have turned down some exceptional candidates this year. BUT, I was ever so hopeful anyway.

kotzebue, thanks for the heads up on Sipsma Hahn and Stafford. I have never even heard of Sipsma.

I got a few more out the door yesterday and talked a couple more people into putting a good word in for me. We'll see how it goes!

The Salty One said...

Every young lawyer I know can wall paper a room with rejection letters. Even a hot shit candidate probably gets interviews only 10% of the time. You know this, but I figured it couldn't hurt to remind you :)

Mindi said...


I got my first interview today!

The Salty One said...

Woohoo!! When?! What are you going to wear?! What kind of firm?! Details!!! :)